Saturday, February 1, 2020

During the month of February I choose to put together some verses from the book of Psalms.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

I have decided to get a little accountability to my goal to read through the Bible this year. Wow! I had not realized that I did not make a post on the blog in 4 years!!!! Each day I hope to just blog something that I found interesting in the Bible reading. 
Today I read about Jacob coming to the land of Egypt and finally seeing Joseph. Although I have read this story countless times. One idea came to my mind. Yes, it must have been exciting for Jacob to reunite with Joseph and the same for Joseph to see his father again. Joseph was the son that was sold by his brothers into slavery. The brothers then told their father, Jacob that he was killed by a wild animal. Joseph was one of two sons that were born by the only woman Jacob truly loved. I can just imagine the burden that was lifted upon seeing the son he so dearly loved. But there was a famine. There was going to be another five years of famine. Everything about a famine is not good. The only good thing about this famine is that God warned Pharaoh through Joseph the famine was coming. They were able to plan for the future and store up food to last through the famine. I found it very interesting in verses 16-20 people are so desperate for food that they are selling their animals, land, even themselves and family into slavery to the Pharaoh.
Today's thought and pondering on the One Year Bible reading passages. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016